About .zedw

At .zedw (dotzedw) we focus on data-driven reporting and stories that bring out what’s going on in the SADC region. We want to give our audience the best content and tell stories that are hidden within the sea of data across Southern Africa.

We believe that there are many hidden opportunities in Southern Africa, however, most of SADC’s data is offline. dotzedw‘s (.zedw) aim is to bring them online and tell stories about the opportunities in the SADC space. Although these stories will be done with data to show trends and peculiarities in the southern African region.

Areas of reporting and editorials are:

  • Business – Who are the movers and shakers in the Southern Bloc as well as do some of these business models or decisions make sense as far as the data says?
  • Finance and Banking – How traditional financial institutions are trying to stay in step with the digitizing world in SADC and how the battle for financial inclusion is going in the “halls of finance”.
  • Fintech – Those who are disrupting the traditional financial services market and how are they approaching the myriad of challenges that the Southern African individual and business operator is facing.
  • Payments – Moving money from point A to B is a chore across the Southern African Region. How are the issues being solved and who is solving them?
  • The SADC Startup Ecosystem – Do these business models tally with market realities and why are how are they doing what they are doing?
  • Telecommunications – The hearth of innovation is behind some steps in the Southern African Development Community, What does the landscape look like and who is doing something about it?
  • Entertainment – It’s big business so how is the SADC arts scene looking like from a business perspective?

You can reach out to our editorial team via email – news@dotzedw.com